Our Lady of Lincoln
Roman Catholic Church
The Presbytery, Laughton Way, Lincoln LN2 2HE
"Let us keep in our prayers all who are affected by the violence in the Middle East."
Pope Francis has called for a day of prayer and fasting for peace on Monday, 7 October, the first anniversary of the start of the catastrophic conflict in the Holy Land.
In this dramatic hour of our history, while the winds of war and the fires of violence continue to devastate entire peoples and nations, the Christian community is reminded of its call to put itself at the service of humanity.
Bishop Patrick, has asked priests and parishioners to pray for peace next Monday, also to recite the Rosary this coming Sunday, invoking Our Lady Queen of Peace, and uniting their prayer with that of the Pope Francis.
Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. John St. John
07495 779234
Parish Safeguarding Representative:
Mrs. Elaine Clare Elaine.ClarePSR@dioceseofnottingham.uk
Parish Deacon: Rev. Mr. Warren Peachey
Tuesday (morning) 9.30am
Wednesday (morning) 9:30am
Thursday (morning) 9.30am
Friday (evening) 7pm
[Adoration 6pm-7pm]
Saturday (morning) 9:30am
[Adoration 10am-11am]
{Confession: 5pm -5.45pm]
Saturday (Vigil) 6pm
SUNDAY 9:30am
(with Children's Liturgy)
SUNDAY 11am (with Music group)
Telephone: 01522 522971
Parish Office Hours:
Monday to Thursday - 10am to 2pm
(Please refer to the newsletter, as these do change occasionally, especially during the school holidays)
Please consider switching your ongoing Offertory to Standing Order, and adding Gift-Aid if possible.
Account Name: Our Lady of Lincoln RC Parish // Sort Code: 30-95-05 // Account Number: 01917420
You can make a DONATION any time you like. Thank you you for your continued generosity.