Our Lady of Lincoln

Roman Catholic Church

The Presbytery, Laughton Way, Lincoln LN2 2HE

Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. John St. John  

Parish Safeguarding Representative:   

Mrs. Elaine Clare  Elaine.ClarePSR@dioceseofnottingham.uk 

Parish Deacon: Rev. Mr. Warren Peachey



Tuesday (morning) 9.30am

Thursday (morning) 9.30am

Friday (evening) 7pm

[Adoration 6pm-7pm]

Saturday  (morning) 9:30am

[Adoration 10am-12pm]

Saturday 6pm (Vigil)

SUNDAY 9:30am (with Children's Liturgy)  

SUNDAY 11am (with Music group)  

Telephone: 01522 522971

Parish Office Hours:   

Monday to Wednesday - 10am to 2pm

Thursday - 8:15am to 1:15pm

(Please refer to the newsletter, as these do change occasionally)

Please consider switching your ongoing Offertory to Standing Order, and adding Gift-Aid if possible.

Account Name:   Our Lady of Lincoln RC Parish   //   Sort Code: 30-95-05   //   Account Number: 01917420 

You can make a DONATION any time  you like.   Thank you you for your continued generosity.